
'Lockdown Series'

We are in a new era that seemed to jump out at us out of nowhere. Millions of people are in lockdown and everyone is dealing with the anxiety of not knowing what the near future will bring.

In response, many artists and performers are coming up with ways to connect to people during this challenging time. My  idea is to ask people that I connect with through social media to toss out random, zany ideas that I then incorporate as elements of drawings. Thus, each of the seven shown below (and I continue to keep this series going for a while) is a collaborative effort, combining at least five, and in one case six, ideas each of which was contributed individually. None of the ideas themselves came from me; I decided how to use them and in some cases, interpret them.

I think they have a kind of 'Stone Soup' (I have always loved that children's story) energy of having been created through group inspiration.

They're fun and crazy! Enjoy!

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